November 28, 2022 at 9:00 AM - SAA Meeting
Minutes |
I. Discussion Items
Communication - Belief
Effort Respect Responsibility One Good Thing! Colfax County Attorney Introduction: Bruce Prenda will be at the meeting to meet school administrators. Bruce is the new county attorney for Colfax County. COVID/Illness Report: Staff COVID+ - 0 Student COVID+ - 0 November 21, 2022: Preschool, K-1 Dual Language, Richland, Fishers, SES, SMS, SCHS, K-1 Dual Language, District Office Staff COVID+ - 0 Student COVID+ - 0 1. Return-to-Learn Plan Review: Tori is working on updating our COVID protocols to be more inline with current practice. Our goal is to have the updated protocols in place for second semester. 2. 1st Semester Probationary Teacher Evaluations: Remember, all probationary certificated staff need to have a completed, full-period, evaluation during the first semester. 3. January PD Topic Discussion: Flip Flippin will be our keynote speaker. His assistant, Wendy, has requested our thoughts on a focus for this presentation. I will distribute a list of questions for us to consider. Other possible topics discussed with leadership for January 16, 17,18th PD include: a. Flip Flippin Keynote Presenter b. ACT Writing c. Process Champions d. Discovery Ed. Innovator Training: e. AED/CPR/Medical/Emergency Response Teams f. Strategic Plan Sessions g. Mental Health First Aid for Youth h. School Improvement Teams: Accreditation Visit From Jeff Droge: * Rooms training/overview or will this be in place by then? * Apple Classroom sessions * Katie Morrow, Apple Education, is planning virtual sessions for Monday * Otis Pierce offering Canvas training/overview (SCHS staff) * Apple TV training - streaming from Apple TV instead of teacher’s device; screen sharing vs. handing off * Other tech sessions? What are teachers asking for? 5. Strategic Plan: The 2022 dashboard has been updated. We still have one month to complete items on the 2022 plan and our focus on the 2023 STRAT Plan. 6. Threat Assessment and Board Safety Committee: Our initial Board Committee Safety Meeting was held on Thursday, November 10th. We need to schedule a meeting in December to review the articles and set dates to meet with other schools. 7. Support Staff Meetings: Zoom Meetings 2:15 Maintenance/Transportation/Food Service 2:45 Para Educators/Office Staff 3:30 SEA Building Reps 8. ThoughtExchange Summary: Staff Exchange: 182 participants, 104 shared thoughts, 5,303 ratings. The Star Rating Ratio was 51. Parent Exchange: 146 (121 English, 25 Spanish) participants, 77 shared thoughts, 2,484 ratings. Star Rating Ratio was 32. Kady will support you in reviewing this information |