November 9, 2022 at 5:30 PM - Agenda - Madison City Council Meeting
Public Notice |
CONSENT AGENDA: Motion will include A-C…as one. APPROVE: A. Agenda B. Minutes C. Claims
APPROVE: Treasurer’s Report
Welcome and reminder to turn off electronic devices.
Report from Library Director on Learning Center.
Discussion/Action on water meters.
Discussion/Action on on DWB, Inc. building permit fees.
Discussion/Action on the Madison County Historical Society's request for financial assistance.
Discussion/Action on installing cameras at the impound yard, recycling center, and lagoon.
Discussion/Action on uniform allowance.
Approval of Resolution No. 2022-10 to authorize the signing of the Year-End Certification of City Street Superintendent 2022.
Discussion/Action to approve the Interlocal Agreement with Madison County, City of Madison, and the Madison Rural Fire Protection District.
Discussion/Action on approval of the Addendum to Lease Agreement for the Madison County Public Defender's building.
Discussion/Action on Emergent Threat 2020 Pre-Application.
Discussion/Action on Advanced Engineering Systems Change Order No. 1.
Approval of Contractor’s Application for Payment No. 6 (Paving Improvements 2022) to Elkhorn Paving Construction Co., Inc. in the amount of $356,470.91.
Discussion/Action on gWorks GIS Maintenance and Technical Program.
Discussion/Action on lagoon dumping and dumping fees.
Discussion/Action on John Deere Utility Tractor.
Discussion/Action on permission to serve alcohol at the Fire & Rescue Awards Night Banquet on November 17, 2022.
Discussion/Action on approving Austen Schmidt to the Volunteer Fire & Rescue Department.
Discussion/Action on employee appreciation compensation.
Discussion/Action on personnel issues, possible executive session.
The Council will review the above matters and take such action as they deem appropriate. The Council may enter into executive session on certain matters authorized under the Nebraska Open Meetings Act. |