March 12, 2018 at 6:00 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting/Business
Agenda |
1. Call To Order
Board President
Agenda Item Type:
Procedural Item
1.1. Pledge of Allegiance
Board President
Agenda Item Type:
Procedural Item
Please stand and join us in the Pledge of Allegiance. AdvancED Standard 2.1 - The governing body establishes policies and supports practices that ensure effective administration of the system and its schools. Policy 2008, Board of Education Meetings. |
1.1.1. Roll Call - Excuse Board Members not in attendance
Board President
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item
AdvancED Standard 1.4 - The governing authority establishes and ensures adherence to policies that are designed to support system effectiveness. Policy 2008, Board of Education Meetings. |
1.2. Public Comment Sign In Procedure
Agenda Item Type:
Procedural Item
A complete copy of the Open Meetings Act is posted on the back wall of the Board of Education meeting room. Public Comment Sign In Procedure - Anyone wishing to address the Board of Education must submit a written request form, found on the public’s table, prior to Public Comments. The Board reserves the right to move into closed session to protect the public interest or needless injury to the reputation of an individual for any action item listed on the agenda. The Board may, at its discretion, change the order of the agenda to accommodate unforeseen issues related to an agenda item.
1.2.1. Public Comment
Agenda Item Type:
Procedural Item
The Ralston Board of Education appreciates the public's right to provide public comment. It is the practice of the Ralston Board to listen to the public comment, without discussion between the public and the Board. Should you have a question or ask for follow-up from the Board, the Board President will direct the Superintendent to address the requests and provide additional information to you as appropriate. We ask that you refrain from personal comments about individuals and the use of vulgar or inappropriate language in addressing the Board. At this time the Ralston Public Schools Board of Education will entertain public comment.
1.3. Consent Agenda (Action)
Board President
Agenda Item Type:
Consent Agenda
Consent agenda items include minutes from the February 26, 2018 meeting; February Financial Reports, February bills in the amount of $528,300.44 for the General Fund, and resignation letters from Peyton Lewis, Principal, BLU and Callie Friesen, ECE, BLumfield.
AdvancED Standard 1.4 - The governing authority establishes and ensures adherence to policies that are designed to support system effectiveness. Board Policy 2008, Board of Education Meetings. AdvancED Standard 1.7 - Leaders implement operational processes and procedures to ensure organization effectiveness in support of teaching and learning. Board Policy 3007, Review of Bills.
2. Board Development and Communication
Agenda Item Type:
Procedural Item
2.1. Board Members’ Update
Agenda Item Type:
Information Item
Board of Education members will discuss items they have recently observed or attended or items they wish to share with the other members of the Board of Education and the public.
AdvancED Standard 1.4 The governing authority establishes and ensures adherence to policies that are desinged to support system effectiveness. Board Policy 2008, Board of Education Meetings.
Mrs. Johnson attended Westside Jubilee for MS and HS. Congratulations to RUSH for 4th overall and 2nd Place to RIOT. Also Congratulations to our History Day winners! Thank you to Mrs. Podraza and Mrs. Behounek for their participation and guidance. Two made it to State. Congratulations to Linda Richards for being recognized with the Outstanding Community Leader Award. Mr. Overkamp said he was invited to attend the Emerging Leaders class with Mrs. Dunn. These are our future teachers, and he has said "It is not a job, it is a vocation. It takes a special person to be a teacher." It was a great pancake feed for American Legion baseball. Come out this Friday night at 4:30 for Varsity baseball and 6:30 for JV. Dr. Irwin said it was great to be back. He had a good meeting with Mr. Buckingham to catch up on school safety issues. Mrs. Gerch said the Rams Baseball players will be working at HyVee bagging groceries for tips. She is so proud of our kids! Mrs. Rodgers was a judge at the Kids Can Cook competition and said our kids are amazing! She volunteered at Bingo night. It is a great event and lots of fun for our families. Mrs. Richards extended a special thanks to our Music Department for all the work they put into these great opportunities and amazing programs. It is great to watch these competitions - you would think the kids are very competitive, but there is such comraderie.
Rebecca Dunn was at the meeting with some students from her Best Practices in Teaching/Future Teacher Internship (all are in both). Both courses are part of the Education Academy at RHS. They were: Lauren Fawcett, Lauretta Lanois, Aubrey Jenson, Lauren Tamayo, Alisa Anderson, Sierra Jensen, Michelle Barragan-Lopez, Marisa McCormick, Hope Uhing, Reid Marco, Emma Soppe. Mrs. Richards spoke to the group and described how critical the Board's relationship with teachers is. It is important for them to see what the Board does at this meeting, because we work together. She is very proud that they stepped up to do this and make this decision. Mrs. Rodgers told them to keep their passion and drive and said we would like to have them back to work in Ralston when they graduate from college. They were asked what their impressions of the profession were. "They never knew how much 2nd graders learn." "I would suggest the class be moved toward the end of the day, because sometimes we get there early and they are just getting organized." "I have a new appreciation for how much work teaching is." "The things you need to think about needing when you go into teaching (like planning and patience) We are planning for months from now. "It is tiring!" |
2.2. Superintendent’s Report
Agenda Item Type:
Information Item
Dr. Adler is working on snow day make-up. Congratulations to Linda Richards for Outstanding Community Leader Award. He got to attend History Day. These kids are doing amazing things - much more than we did at their age. He had a meeting last week with Dave Patton, Ex. Dir. of the Learning Communities. It was a meeting with all the superintendents of the counties affected by a new proposed site, He is going to put together some plans. It is a 2 year process from today till the doors open. They will be looking at formal input. Mrs. Richards asked if we should have a presentation from them on this and what the current facilities do and what this one is proposed to for.
2.2.1. Math Adoption
Dr. Tiffanie Welte & Mrs. Cecilia Wilken
Agenda Item Type:
Information Item
Dr. Welte & Mrs. Wilken will review the Math Adoption process with the Board.
AdvancED Standard 2.5 - Educators implement a curriculum that is based on high expectations and prepares learners for their next levels. Board Policy 6004, Curriculum Development and Assessment.
Dr. Welte and Mrs. Wilken reviewing the Math Adoption process with the Board. The attached documents reviewed how RPS reviews our standards and selects curriculum publishers for final presentations and approval. A committee develops our priority standards and what the key ones are that the kids should master before moving on to the next level. Mrs. Richards asked to take a look at the the books as well as the online resources for the curriculum they approved. How will we be helping our parents to utilize these tools. Mrs. Wilken said we will most likely have to develop some supplemental teaching aides for parents.
2.2.2. Engagement Program Review
Mr. Jeremy Maskel
Agenda Item Type:
Information Item
Mr. Maskel will present the results from the Community Engagement Process with the Board.
AdvancED Standard 1.8 - Leaders engage stakeholders to support the achievement of the system's purpose and direction. Board Policy 5018, Parent and Guardian Involvement in Education Practices.
Mr. Maskel thanked RHS and their staff for hosting the Community Engagement Events. NASB sent us a preliminary report on the findings and we will receive the complete report next week. What are our next steps at this point? Get the report information to our stakeholders. Our goal is to see how we can enter our families lives and schedules vs. making them come to us again. We received some names of people who were ready to step up to take action, and we will host a similar group meeting with them soon. Mr. Overkamp said he was very "fired up about this as a way to reach our stakeholders. Great job you are doing here!"
2.2.3. Blueprint Strategic Implementation Plan
Mr. Jeremy Maskel/Dr. Tiffanie Welte/Dr. Virginia Moon
Agenda Item Type:
Information Item
An update on the Blueprint Implementation will be discussed with the Board.
AdvancED Standard 2.6 - The system implements a process to ensure the curriculum is aligned to standards and best practices. Board Policy 6003, Instruction Program.
Mr. Maskel introduced Dr. Virginia Moon, who is evaluating our Blueprint process and offering feedback. She first wanted us to know how impressed she is with our students and the communication we have received from them. When they make a list of what the HS should be. They talk about what they need in a sophisticated conversation. These included topics such as diversity, collaboration, and respect. Our goal is to take what has already been done on Blueprint thus far, and grow it to reach and serve the students that need it. It needs to be adaptable and accessable. Awareness of this program needs to start much earlier. Blueprint needs to be customizable to "outliers." We can customize a career to everyone - not just develop programs that have a certain number of participants. We need to create common definitions and course objectives. We are small enough and have enough flexibility to do this. What differentiates Ralston from others is people came here because we ae small enough to provide a customized experience." You have to know your students and know what they need. We have a strong community and we know what we have and what we need to go out and get. Lots of our business owners are ready to enter into this with us. It will honor those business owners by creating these working relationships. It will help our teachers to know what the industry expects from our graduates.
Her recommendation is to receive a cord at graduation, which would recognize their achievements in the program. How do we make this widely accessible to everyone? Some of these programs can be expensive to participate in, but we want everyone to have the opportunity no matter what their financial circumstances are. We need to help the kids be aware of the processes we have and how to get them. We ought to be getting this out there in the 6th or 7th grade level. Also defining what the barriers to this program are for some - transportation, other costs., etc. Work on strengthening our partnerships in the community. We have lost that in this district, because we haven't had to do a bond issue in a long time. Talk to other organizations and get their assistance - Avenue Scholars (find out what their barriers are so we are prepared). For this type of program, adjustments would have to be made to schedules - make them more flexible, The only way this will work is to have this be one person's sole responsibility. We will be looking deeper into these issues as we move forward.
2.2.4. Government Relations Update
Dr. Mark Adler
Agenda Item Type:
Information Item
Dr. Adler and Mrs. Richards will update the Board regarding Legislative issues.
AdvancED Standard 1.8 - Leaders engage stakeholders to support the achievement of the system's purpose and direction. Board Policy 2022, Reporting to the Public.
2.2.5. Enrollment Update
Dr. Mark Adler
Agenda Item Type:
Information Item
Dr. Adler will review the enrollment information with the Board.
AdvancED Standard 1.8 - Leaders engage stakeholders to support the achievement of the system's purpose and direction. Board Policy 2022, Reporting to the Public.
There has not been much change in enrollment numbers. Mrs. Wilken said we have had great Kindergarten enrollment at this point. We will probably have to add 2 sections in KW and SEY, since the numbers are so high. Deadline for Option Enrollment is March 15th. We will be sending out notices after that.
3. Standards Based School Improvement
Agenda Item Type:
Information Item
4. Policy Review
Agenda Item Type:
Procedural Item
4.1. Policy 3038 - Certification Fees
Dr. Michael Rupprecht
Agenda Item Type:
Information Item
Dr. Rupprecht will review proposed Policy 3038 - Certification Fees with the Board.
AdvancED Standard 1.5 - The governing authority adheres to a code of thics and functions within defined roles and responsibilities. Board Policy 2001, Role of the Board of Education and Legal Status.
Policy 4055 - Certification Fees was reviewed with the Board. Dr. Rupprecht said these fees are usually not very high for these additional certifications. We could cap the amount of total fees reimbursed in the year, and it would be on a first-come, first-served basis. Dr. Rupprecht will come back with some answers to the Board's questions/concerns at an upcoming meeting.
5. Executive Session Disclosure
Agenda Item Type:
Procedural Item
The Board reserves the right to move into closed session to protect the public interest or needless injury to the reputation of an individual for any action item listed on the agenda. The Board may, at its discretion, change the order of the agenda to accommodate unforeseen issues related to an agenda item. |
6. Pre-Adjournment Information and Activities
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item
6.1. Announcements
Agenda Item Type:
Procedural Item
6.2. Board of Education Supplemental Meeting Information
Agenda Item Type:
Procedural Item
Supplemental Documents include the following:
6.3. Future Board Calendar
Agenda Item Type:
Information Item
Board of Education Meeting - Monday, March 26, 2018 - 6:00 pm
Please note our meeting schedule for Monday, April 9th, is now moved to Tuesday, April 10th due to the National Conference.
6.4. Adjourn
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item
AdvancED Standard 1.4 - The governing authority adheres to a code of ethics and functions within defined roles and responsibilities. Board Policy 2008, Board of Education Meetings. |