June 10, 2019 at 6:00 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call To Order
Board President
Agenda Item Type:
Procedural Item
2. Pledge of Allegiance
Board President
Agenda Item Type:
Procedural Item
Please stand and join us in the Pledge of Allegiance. AdvancED Standard 2.1 - The governing body establishes policies and supports practices that ensure effective administration of the system and its schools. Policy 2008, Board of Education Meetings. |
2.1. Roll Call - Excuse Board Members not in attendance
Board President
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item
AdvancED Standard 1.4 - The governing authority establishes and ensures adherence to policies that are designed to support system effectiveness. Policy 2008, Board of Education Meetings. |
3. Public Comment Sign In Procedure
Agenda Item Type:
Procedural Item
A complete copy of the Open Meetings Act is posted on the back wall of the Board of Education meeting room. Public Comment Sign In Procedure - Anyone wishing to address the Board of Education must submit a written request form, found on the public’s table, prior to Public Comments. The Board reserves the right to move into closed session to protect the public interest or needless injury to the reputation of an individual for any action item listed on the agenda. The Board may, at its discretion, change the order of the agenda to accommodate unforeseen issues related to an agenda item.
3.1. Public Comment
Agenda Item Type:
Procedural Item
The Ralston Board of Education appreciates the public's right to provide public comment. It is the practice of the Ralston Board to listen to the public comment, without discussion between the public and the Board. Should you have a question or ask for follow-up from the Board, the Board President will direct the Superintendent to address the requests and provide additional information to you as appropriate. We ask that you refrain from personal comments about individuals and the use of vulgar or inappropriate language in addressing the Board. At this time the Ralston Public Schools Board of Education will entertain public comment.
4. Consent Agenda (Action)
Board President
Agenda Item Type:
Consent Agenda
Consent agenda items include minutes from the May 13, 2019 meeting; May Financial Reports, May bills in the amount of $917,998.69 for the General Fund, $114,764.80 for the Building Fund and $120,985.00 for the Depreciation Fund. Prior to the meeting Mr. Overkamp and Dr. Irwin reviewed the bills.
AdvancED Standard 1.4 – The governing authority establishes and ensures adherence to policies that are designed to support system effectiveness. Board Policy 2008, Board of Education Meetings. AdvancED Standard 1.7 - Leaders implement operational processes and procedures to ensure organization effectiveness in support of teaching and learning. Board Policy 3007, Review of Bills.
5. Board Development and Communication
Agenda Item Type:
Procedural Item
5.1. Board Members’ Update
Agenda Item Type:
Information Item
Board of Education members will discuss items they have recently observed or attended or items they wish to share with the other members of the Board of Education and the public.
AdvancED Standard 1.4 The governing authority establishes and ensures adherence to policies that are desinged to support system effectiveness. Board Policy 2008, Board of Education Meetings. |
6. Superintendent’s Report
Agenda Item Type:
Information Item
6.1. Government Relations Update
Dr. Mark Adler
Agenda Item Type:
Information Item
Mr. Joe Kohout, District Lobbyist, and members of the District Legislative Committee will update the Board regarding Legislative issues and final thoughts on the 2019 Legislative Session.
AdvancED Standard 1.8 - Leaders engage stakeholders to support the achievement of the system's purpose and direction. Board Policy 2022, Reporting to the Public.
6.2. Ralston Schools Foundation Update
Ms. Katy Core
Agenda Item Type:
Information Item
The Ralston Schools Foundation is wrapping up another year of hard work and support for the students, staff, and Ralston Community. Ralston Schools Foundation Director, Ms. Katy Core, will be on hand to update the Board of Education on the work of the Ralston Schools Foundation over the last year.
Standard 1.8 Leaders engage stakeholders to support the achievement of the system's purpose and direction. Policy 2022 Reporting to the Public.
6.3. Greater Omaha Attendance and Learning Services Center (GOALS Center) Interlocal Agreement
Dr. Mark Adler
Agenda Item Type:
Information Item
The Greater Omaha Attendance and Learning Services Center (GOALS Center) is the agency developed through an interlocal agreement to provide services and execute the Superintendents Plan to Improve Student Attendance in Douglas and Sarpy Counties as outlined by Nebraska Law. The last GOALS Center interlocal agreement was approved by the Ralston Public Schools Board of Education on July 28, 2014. The proposed agreement will cover the 2019-2021. Dr. Adler will outline the proposed changes to the 2019-2021 GOALS Center interlocal agreement and answer any questions the Board may have. The administration would ask that the agreement be approved at the June 24, 2019 meeting of the Board of Education.
Standard 2.1 Learners have equitable opportunities to develop skills and achieve the content and learning priorities established by the system. Policy 5001 Compulsory Attendance and Excessive Absenteeism.
6.4. Sign Language Interpreter Contract Discussion
Dr. Michael Rupprecht
Agenda Item Type:
Information Item
Dr. Rupprecht and members of the Sign Language Interpreters have been negotiating the 2019/2020 SLI employment contract. Dr. Rupprecht will outline the details of the contract for the Board of Education. The administration asks that the Board of Education approve the 2019/2020 SLI Contract as presented at the June 24th meeting.
Standard 3.7 The system demonstrates strategic resource management that includes long-range planning and use of resources in support of the system's purpose and direction. Policy 4063 Negotiations Goals and Objectives. |
6.5. NASB Updates and Information
Dr. Jay Irwin
Agenda Item Type:
Information Item
Dr. Jay Irwin will update the Board of Education on items and information that is under consideration with the Nebraska Association of School Boards.
Standard 1.8 Leaders engage stakeholders to support the achievement of the system's purpose and direction. Policy 2022 Reporting to the Public.
6.6. Enrollment Update
Dr. Mark Adler
Agenda Item Type:
Information Item
Dr. Adler will review the enrollment information with the Board.
AdvancED Standard 1.8 - Leaders engage stakeholders to support the achievement of the system's purpose and direction. Board Policy 2022, Reporting to the Public.
7. Standards Based School Improvement
Agenda Item Type:
Information Item
7.1. Activities Conference Affiliation (Action)
Dr. Mark Adler
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item
Over the last several months members of the administration and activities sponsors have been in conversation with multiple area schools about forming a new activities conference to better meet the needs of our students, staff, and community. The main focus areas have been on more aligned middle school competition, student and staff leadership development, educational collaboration, and a more clear focus on fine arts and activities. Having the opportunity to switch activities conferences happens very rarely. After much deliberation, research, and information gathering, the administration believes this is the best plan for the future for the Ralston Public Schools. As a result, the administration would ask for approval for Dr. Adler to enter into an agreement with the following schools to form a new activities conference to begin competition for the 2020/2021 school year.
7.2. 2019-2020 District Calendar Update (Action)
Dr. Mark Adler
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item
Recently, we were made aware of a need to adjust our 2019-2020 calendar. We learned that the PSAT, which we have all 11th graders take, is being given on October 16th when we were originally scheduled to have an inservice day. This date is identified for us by the testing company, and is not something we can control or change. The following two days (October 17th & 18th were intended to be a compensation day and a vacation day). Given the need to have school on this day we are proposing a small change to the calendar included below.
Since we would be adding a day, we would then have the last student day be May 21st, and the last staff day on May 22nd. As a result of the circumstances outlined, the Administrations asks the Board of Education to approve the updated 2019-2020 District Calendar as presented.
7.3. Ralston High School HVAC Compressor Replacement (Action)
Dr. Mark Adler
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item
Dr. Adler and Mr. Buckingham would like to ask the Board of Education to approve the bid proposal presented to replace a HVAC compressor that has failed at Ralston High School. This is a compressor identical to the one replaced last summer. Bid price is $275 more than last year's compressor replacement.
Standard 3.7 The system demonstrates strategic resource management that includes long-range planning and use of resources in support of the system's purpose and direction. Policy 3003 Bidding for Construction, Remodeling, Repairs, or Site Improvements.
8. Policy Review
Agenda Item Type:
Procedural Item
9. Executive Session Disclosure
Agenda Item Type:
Procedural Item
The Board reserves the right to move into closed session to protect the public interest or needless injury to the reputation of an individual for any action item listed on the agenda. The Board may, at its discretion, change the order of the agenda to accommodate unforeseen issues related to an agenda item. |
10. Pre-Adjournment Information and Activities
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item
10.1. Announcements
Agenda Item Type:
Procedural Item
10.2. Board of Education Supplemental Meeting Information
Agenda Item Type:
Procedural Item
Supplemental Documents include the following:
10.3. Future Board Calendar
Agenda Item Type:
Information Item
Board of Education Meeting – Mon., June 24 – 6:00 p.m. Virginia Moon Administrative Center
11. Adjourn
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item
AdvancED Standard 1.4 - The governing authority adheres to a code of ethics and functions within defined roles and responsibilities. Board Policy 2008, Board of Education Meetings. |