October 13, 2014 at 7:00 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call To Order
Agenda Item Type:
Procedural Item
1.1. Pledge of Allegiance
Board President
Agenda Item Type:
Procedural Item
Please stand and join us in the pledge of allegiance. AdvancED Standard 2.1 - The governing body establishes policies and supports practices that ensure effective administration of the system and its schools. Policy BDA, Board of Education Meetings |
1.1.1. Roll Call - Excuse Board Members not in attendance
Board President
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item
1.2. Public Comment Sign In Procedure
Agenda Item Type:
Procedural Item
A complete copy of the Open Meetings Act is posted on the back wall of the Board of Education meeting room. Public Comment Sign In Procedure - Anyone wishing to address the Board of Education must submit a written request form, found on the public’s table, prior to Public Comments. The Board reserves the right to move into closed session to protect the public interest or needless injury to the representation of an individual for any action item listed on the agenda. The Board may, at its discretion, change the order of the agenda to accommodate unforeseen issues related to an agenda item. AdvancED Standard 2.1 - The governing body establishes policies and supports practices that ensure effective administration of the system and its schools. Board Policy BDDH, Public Participation at Board Meetings and KD, Public Participation at Board Meetings. |
1.2.1. Public Comment
Agenda Item Type:
Procedural Item
At this time the Ralston Public Schools Board of Education will entertain public comment.
AdvancED Standard 2.1 - The governing body establishes policies and supports practices that ensure effective administration of the system and its schools. Board Policy BDDH, Public Participation at Board Meetings and KD, Public Participation at Board Meetings. |
1.3. Consent Agenda (Action)
Board President
Agenda Item Type:
Consent Agenda
Consent agenda items include minutes from the September 22, 2014 meeting; October Financial Reports; and October bills in the amount of $689,538.30 for the General Fund. Linda Richards and Bob Brown reviewed bills prior to the meeting.
AdvancED Standard 2.1 – The governing body establishes policies and supports practices that ensure effective administration of the system and its schools. Board Policy BDDG, Minutes
2. Board Development and Communication
Agenda Item Type:
Procedural Item
AdvancED Standard 2.2 - The governing body operates responsible and functions effectively. Board Policy BBA, School Board Powers and Duties |
2.1. Board Members’ Update
Agenda Item Type:
Information Item
AdvancED Standard 2.2 - The governing body operates responsible and functions effectively. Board Policy BBA, School Board Powers and Duties and AG, Reporting to the Public |
2.2. Superintendent’s Report
Agenda Item Type:
Information Item
AdvancED Standard 2.4 - Leadership and staff at all levels of the system foster a culture consistent with the system's purpose and direction. Policy CBA, Responsibilities of the Superintendent |
2.2.1. Ralston High School Softball Team
Dr. Mark Adler
Agenda Item Type:
Information Item
2.2.2. Home Visit Report
Dr. Kristi Gibbs
Agenda Item Type:
Information Item
Dr. Gibbs will discuss the 2014 home visits.
AdvancED Standard 1.2 – The system ensures that each school engages in a systematic, inclusive, and comprehensive process to review, revise and co0mmunicate a school purpose for student success. Board Policy, KB, Public Information Program
Dr. Gibbs discussed the home visit process and data associated with contact with parents/guardians.
2.2.3. Fall Enrollment Report
Dr. Kristi Gibbs
Agenda Item Type:
Information Item
Dr. Gibbs will discuss the Fall enrollment report.
AdvancED Standard 1.1 – The system engages in a systematic, inclusive, and comprehensive process to review, revise, and communicate a system-wide purpose for student success. Board Policy KB, Public Information Program
Dr. Gibbs discussed classroom numbers, open enrollment numbers, and free and reduced numbers.
2.2.4. Emergency Preparedness Plan
Mr. Jason Buckingham
Agenda Item Type:
Information Item
Mr. Buckingham will discuss the Emergency Preparedness Plan.
AdvancEd Standard 4.3 - The system maintains facilities, services, and equipment to provide a safe, clean, and healthy environment for all students and staff. Board Policy GBEA, Workplace Safety
Mr. Buckingham discussed emergency preparedness plans for the District.
2.2.5. Virginia Moon Administrative Center HVAC Project
Mr. Jason Buckingham
Agenda Item Type:
Information Item
Mr. Buckingham will discuss the replacement of the central office heating and air conditioning system.
AdvancED Standard 4.4 – The system demonstrates strategic resource management that includes long-range planning in support of the purpose and direction of the system. Board Policy FDA, Bond Campaigns
Mr. Buckingham presented information regarding the HVAC project at the Virginia Moon Administrative Center.
2.2.6. NASB Community Engagement Proposal
Dr. Adler & Mrs. Richards
Agenda Item Type:
Information Item
Dr. Adler and Mrs. Richards will briefly outline information with the Board of Education about the potential use of the NASB Community Engagement Process to support our Character Development Strategic Plan. This item will be added to a future Board of Education agenda for further discussion.
AdvancED Standard 1.1 – The System engages in a systematic, inclusive, and comprehensive process to review, revise, and communicate a system-wide purpose for student success. Board Policy KA, School-Community Relations Goal
Dr. Adler and Mrs. Richards outlined information with the Board of Education about the potential use of the NASB Community Engagement Process to support our Character Development Strategic Plan.
3. Standards Based School Improvement
Agenda Item Type:
Information Item
3.1. Learning Community Superintendent's Report
Dr. Mark Adler
Agenda Item Type:
Information Item
Dr. Adler will present the Superintendent's report for the Learning Community.
AdvancED Standard 1.1 - The system engages in a systematic, inclusive, and comprehensive process to review, revise, and communicate a system-wide purpose for student success. Board Policy AG, Reporting to the Public
Dr. Adler led a discussion with the Board regarding the Learning Community Superintendent's report.
4. Policy Review
Agenda Item Type:
Procedural Item
The Board and Administration will review proposed policies. AdvancED Standard 2.1 - The governing body establishes policies and supports practices that ensure effective administration of the system and its schools. Board Policy BBA, School Board Powers and Duties
4047: Implementation of Student Assistance Team Process
4048: Assessment Administration and Security (newly presented)
4049: Professional Ethics
4050: Overtime and Compensatory Time
4051: Use of Social Media by School District Employees
4052: Job Reference to Prospective Employers For Current and Former Employees
4053: Employment and Political Conflict of Interest
5. Executive Session Disclosure
Agenda Item Type:
Procedural Item
The Board reserves the right to move into closed session to protect the public interest or needless injury to the representation of an individual for any action item listed on the agenda. The Board may, at its discretion, change the order of the agenda to accommodate unforeseen issues related to an agenda item. |
6. Pre-Adjourment Information and Activities
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item
6.1. Board Assessment of Meeting
Agenda Item Type:
Information Item
Meeting Content
Meeting Process
6.2. Announcements
Agenda Item Type:
Procedural Item
6.3. Board of Education Supplemental Meeting Information
Agenda Item Type:
Procedural Item
Supplemental Documents include the following:
Student/Staff Count October
6.4. Future Board Calendar
Agenda Item Type:
Information Item
National Honor Society Induction Ceremony - Wed., Oct. 22, 2014 - 6:30 p.m. Ralston High School Board of Education Meeting – Mon., Oct. 27, 2014 – 7:00 p.m. Board of Education Meeting – Mon., Nov. 10, 2014 – 7:00 p.m. – State Education Conference - Wed., Nov. 19, 2014 - Fri., Nov. 21, 2014 |
6.5. Adjourn
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item