July 8, 2024 at 7:00 PM - REGULAR MEETING
Agenda |
1. Call to Order, Roll Call and Pledge of Allegiance.
2. Meeting declared open and properly posted and/or published by advanced notice in accordance with board policy #8342 with the agenda given to the president of the board and all members prior to the meeting date.
3. Motion to Excuse Absent Board Members
4. Approval of Meeting Agenda
5. Approval of Minutes from Previous Regular Board Meeting(s)
6. Public Forum - reception of visitors, delegations and reading of communications.
If a visitor wishes to speak, we ask that they sign in.
7. Administrator Reports
7.A. Elementary Principal Report - Sarah Remm
7.A.1. Community
7.A.1.a. No Report
7.A.2. Teaching & Learning
7.A.2.a. Curriculum Guides
7.A.3. Special Education
7.A.3.a. No Report
7.A.4. Other
7.A.4.a. K-4 Student-Parent Handbook
7.A.4.b. Preschool Handbook
7.B. Secondary Principal Report - Darren Soucie
7.B.1. Technology
7.B.1.a. Approval of 1 to 1 Computer Handbook
7.B.1.b. Acceptance of Student Computer Bids
7.B.2. Personnel
7.B.2.a. Approval of 2024-2025 Certified and Classified Staff Handbooks
7.B.3. Activities
7.B.3.a. 2024-2025 Coaching Assignments
7.B.3.b. 2024-2025 Non-Teaching Coaching Contracts
7.B.3.c. 2024-2025 Volunteer Coaching Contracts
7.B.4. Other
7.B.4.a. Approval of 2024-2025 5-12 Student Handbook
7.C. Superintendent Report - Darren Soucie
7.C.1. Buildings, Grounds & Transportation
7.C.1.a. Summer Building Projects Update
7.C.2. Budget, Finance & Grants
7.C.2.a. Monthly Financial Transactions
7.C.3. Governance, Americanism & Wellness
7.C.3.a. First Reading of Board Policy # 1050, 3130, 3140, 3571, 4141, 5006, 5008, 5101, 5201, 5205, 6000, 6111, 6700, 8240, 8342, and 8346.
7.C.3.b. Establish Hot Lunch Prices for Students and Adults
7.C.3.c. Student Fees Policy #5416
7.C.3.d. Parental Involvement Policy #6400
7.C.3.e. Bullying Policy #5415
7.C.3.f. Acceptance of Administrative Regulation #4133R1 Concerning Substitute Pay for the 2024-25 School Year.
7.C.3.g. Annual Appointment of 3 Board Members to the Governance, Americanism & Wellness Committee.
7.C.4. Other
7.C.4.a. Superintendent's 2023-2024 Absences Report
8. Consent Calendar
a) Presentation, approval, and authorization for payment of District #3 bills. b) Presentation and acceptance of the Activity Account Report. c) Presentation and acceptance of the Treasurer's Report. d) Presentation and acceptance of the Board Summary Report. e) Presentation and acceptance of the Summary Statement of Revenue. |
9. Next Meeting Date:
10. Adjournment
11. Closed Session
The Board of Education may hold a closed session if: