July 10, 2024 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Minutes |
1. Roll Call;
2. Pledge of Allegiance;
3. Inform the Public about the location of the Open Meetings Act and the Citizens Participation Rules;
4. Minutes of the June 26, 2024 meeting of the Mayor and City Council;
5. Approval of the Claim to Marvin Planning Consultants; *
6. Approval of the Claim to D-Sign Shop; *
7. Approval of Claims;
8. Committee and Officer Reports;
9. Consider Certificate of Payment #16 in the amount of $864,061.19 to Velocity Constructors Inc. for the 2022 WaterTreatment Plant Upgrades; *
10. Consider Pay Estimate #4 in the amount of $894,835.96 to BRB Contractors, Inc. for the Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvement Project; *
11. Consider Application for Payment No. 3 in the amount of $229,562.75 to IES Commercial, Inc. for the ‘2023 AGP Substation’ Project; *
12. Consider Ordinance No. 1484 authorizing the issuance by the City of not to exceed $950,000 in principal amount of General Obligation Various Purpose Bonds to be issued for the purpose of paying off the City’s Bond Anticipation Notes, Series 2022, dated July 29, 2022 in the principal amount of $870,000, approving the form of said Bonds and authorizing the authorized officers of the City to make arrangements for the sale of the Bonds, and declaring an emergency and ordering the ordinance to take effect immediately upon proclamation by theMayor and posting in pamphlet form; *
13. Consider Resolution No. 17-2024 addressing the speed limits on Highway 15; *
14. Consider Resolution No. 18-2024 authorizing the Mayor and City Council to execute a purchase and sale agreement and deed to convey the property located at 1115 C Street, David City, Nebraska, to Katherine Shinn; *
15. Consider Resolution No. 19-2024 League Assn. of Risk Management Insurance Renewal: *
16. Consider extension of the Interlocal Agreement with Olive Township for road maintenance; *
17. Public hearing to consider amending the Future Land Use Map by changing the land use classification from Residential to Highway Commercial for the following real estate as requested by Western Oil II, LLC;
A tract of land being part of Lot 7 and 8, David City Land and Lot Company’s Suburban Lots, located in the SW ¼ of the SE ¼ of Section 18, Township 15 North, Range 3, East of the 6th P.M., in Butler County, Nebraska, described as follows: Beginning at the southeast corner of said Lot 8, and assuming the south line of said Lot 8 to have a bearing of N 89º32’24” W; thence N 89º32’24” W, 155.00 feet; thence N 00º20’17” W, 348.83 feet; thence S 89º32’24” E, 84.35 feet, parallel with the south line of said Lot 8; thence N 00º24’47” E, 135.82 feet, parallel with the east line of said lot 8; thence N89º58’34” E, 75.33 feet, parallel with the north line of said Lot 8; thence S00º24’47” W, 36.14 feet on the east line of said Lot 8; thence S89º35’50” E, 131.70 feet; thence S 00º32’08” W, 449.25 feet; thence N 89º32’24” W, 130.74 feet on the south line of said Lot 7, to the point of beginning, containing 2.85 acres, more or less, EXCEPT that portion conveyed by Warranty Deed filed as Instrument No 2018-01663 in the Office of the Butler County Clerk/Register of Deeds on December 28, 2018, and EXCEPT that portion conveyed by Warranty Deed filed as Instrument No. 2022-01244 in the Office of the Butler County Clerk/Register of Deeds on August 15, 2022. |
18. Consider Ordinance No. 1485 amending the Future Land Use Map by changing the land use classification from Residential to Highway Commercial for the real estate listed above as requested by Western Oil II, LLC; *
19. Public Hearing to consider amending the Official Zoning Map by changing the zoning classification from R-1 – Single Family Residential to C-1 – Highway Commercial for the following real estate as requested by Western Oil II, LLC;
A tract of land being part of Lot 7 and 8, David City Land and Lot Company’s Suburban Lots, located in the SW ¼ of the SE ¼ of Section 18, Township 15 North, Range 3, East of the 6th P.M., in Butler County, Nebraska, described as follows: Beginning at the southeast corner of said Lot 8, and assuming the south line of said Lot 8 to have a bearing of N 89º32’24” W; thence N 89º32’24” W, 155.00 feet; thence N 00º20’17” W, 348.83 feet; thence S 89º32’24” E, 84.35 feet, parallel with the south line of said Lot 8; thence N 00º24’47” E, 135.82 feet, parallel with the east line of said lot 8; thence N89º58’34” E, 75.33 feet, parallel with the north line of said Lot 8; thence S00º24’47” W, 36.14 feet on the east line of said Lot 8; thence S89º35’50” E, 131.70 feet; thence S 00º32’08” W, 449.25 feet; thence N 89º32’24” W, 130.74 feet on the south line of said Lot 7, to the point of beginning, containing 2.85 acres, more or less, EXCEPT that portion conveyed by Warranty Deed filed as Instrument No 2018-01663 in the Office of the Butler County Clerk/Register of Deeds on December 28, 2018, and EXCEPT that portion conveyed by Warranty Deed filed as Instrument No. 2022-01244 in the Office of the Butler County Clerk/Register of Deeds on August 15, 2022. |
20. Consider Ordinance No. 1486 amending the Official Zoning Map by changing the zoning classification from R-1 Single Family Residential to C-1 Highway Commercial for the abovelisted real estate as requested by Western Oil II, LLC; *
21. Consider Ordinance No. 1487 amending the age to use an ATV/UTV to 16 years of age; *
22. Consider closed session for personnel, contracts or pending litigation (as necessary); *
23. Adjourn;