February 12, 2025 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Minutes |
1. Roll Call;
2. Pledge of Allegiance;
3. Inform the Public about the location of the Open Meetings Act and the Citizens Participation Rules;
4. Minutes of the January 22, 2025 meeting of the Mayor and City Council;
5. Approval of Claims;
6. Committee and Officer Reports/Butler County Development Board Update; *
7. Consider Certificate of Payment #23 in the amount of $355,194.92 to Velocity Constructors Inc. for the 2022 Water Treatment Plant Upgrades; *
8. Consider Pay Estimate #11 in the amount of $123,664.65 to BRB Contractors, Inc. for the Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvement Project; *
9. Consider Pay Estimate #1 in the amount of $361,628.37 to General Excavating for the AGP Trunk Sewer Project; *
10. Consider Pay Application #4 for Rutjens Construction in the amount of $1,292,657.18for the ‘2023 Water Main North Loop’; *
11. Consider Pay Application #6 in the amount of $774.90 for Municipal Pipe Tool for the South Area Sewer Rehabilitation Project; *
12. Consider Change Order #4 for Rutjens Construction, Inc. in the amount of ($239,885.00); *
13. Consider Pay Application #5 for Rutjens Construction in the amount of $440,800.43 for the 2023 Water Main North Loop and authorize the Mayor to sign the Certificate of SubstantialCompletion; *
14. Consider Change Order #5 for IES Commercial, Inc. in the amount of $9,739.44 to adjust bus heights to accommodate 34.5 kV switches that were required to meet the project deadline for the‘2023 AGP Substation’ project; *
15. Consider Change Order #6 for IES Commercial, Inc. in the amount of ($9,056.28) for removal of equipment testing for the ‘2023 AGP Substation’ project; *
16. Consider Change Order #7 for IES Commercial, Inc. in the amount of $6,921.20 for adjustments for NPPD metering and additional control cables necessary for voltage regulator control for the‘2023 AGP Substation project; *
17. Consider Pay Application #9 for IES Commercial, Inc. in the amount of $254,395.69 for the ‘2023 AGP Substation’ Project; *
18. Consider Contract Amendment No. 2 with JEO Consulting Group, Inc. for $24,650 to add 290 storm water structures; *
19. Consider purchasing a spare pump from Electric Pump for the water plant; *
20. Consider an agreement with JEO to perform an inspection of Cooperative Way from Highway15 west to the pavement end; *
21. Discuss/consider the estimate from Krivanek Construction for the build-up of Road 36; *
22. Consider Ordinance No. 1505 updating Obstructions to Vision at Street Intersections; *
23. Consider Ordinance No. 1506 updating the employee's pay plan to add Lineman Intern/School Trainee; *
24. Consider Resolution No. 1-2025 authorizing electric PCA refunds; *
25. Consider Resolution No. 2-2025 appointing Kevin P. Dunn as a police officer; *
26. Consider Resolution No. 3-2025 updating the street department and airport charges; *
27. Consider Resolution No. 4-2025 calling for the early redemption of the City’s Promissory Notes, Series 2023, in the principal amount of $900,000, in order to pay down debt and achieve interest cost savings; *
28. Consider Ordinance No. 1507 increasing the sewer rates; *
29. Consider Ordinance No. 1508 prohibiting shared water service lines between two properties; *
30. Discuss/consider a temporary 8” sewer force main to be installed to allow AGP to perform startup processes; *
31. Consider approval of the Civic and Community Center Financing Fund Grant Application; *
32. Consider FAA Agency Agreement and Resolution No. 5-2025 for the Runway Rehab project; *
33. Consider approving the Grant Application FAA Form SF-424 and authorize the mayor to sign for the Runway Rehab project; *
34. Consider amending the DTR guidelines, raising the awarded grant amount for the DTR program from $50,000 to $80,000 (25% match still applies); *
35. Consider Resolution No. 6-2025 adopting a Downtown Window Policy;
36. Consider the appointment of two Council members to the Sidewalk Committee; *
37. Consider the appointment of two Council members to the Airport Committee; *
38. Reappointment of Heather Allen to the Library Board of Trustees for a four-year term ending December 2028; *
39. Accept the resignation of Brian R. Small as the alternate to the Planning Commission; *
40. Consider closed session for personnel, contracts, or pending litigation (as necessary); *
41. Adjourn;