July 15, 2024 at 7:00 PM - Beatrice Regular City Council Meeting
Minutes | ||
2.a. Approve agenda as submitted.
2.b. Receive and place on file all notices pertaining to this meeting.
2.c. Receive and place on file all materials having any bearing on this meeting.
2.d. Approval of minutes of regular meeting on July 1, 2024, as on file in the City Clerk's Office.
2.e. Approval of Treasurer’s Report of Claims in the amount of $624,543.12.
2.f. Approval of BASWA Report of Claims in the amount of $208,444.16.
2.g. Approval of write-off of ambulance bad debts.
2.h. Approval of Pay Request #21 in the amount of $161,755.13 (BASWA), to 3FI, Inc., for the June 2022 hailstorm.
2.i. Approval of Pay Request #1 in the amount of $52,673.79 to Topkote, Inc., for the Armor Coating Various Locations – 2024 project.
2.j. Resolution Number 7339 entering into a Hangar Lease with John Cox, LLC, for the purpose of leasing Hangar C-4 located at the Beatrice Municipal Airport.
2.k. Resolution Number 7340 executing the Fixed-Based Aerial Applicator’s Agreement with Emrich Aerial Spraying, LLC, for the purposes of conducting aerial applicator or crop spraying services on the Beatrice Municipal Airport’s airfield.
2.l. Resolution Number 7341 executing the Operator’s Lease and Services Agreement with Emrich Aerial Spraying, LLC, for the purposes of conducting aeronautical services on the Beatrice Municipal Airport’s airfield.
2.m. Resolution Number 7342 executing the Grant Agreement and any other documents necessary to effectuate the FAA Grant Award for Grant No. 3-31-0009-023-2024.
2.n. Resolution Number 7343 regulating parking near the intersection of 5th Street and Ella Street.
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Ted - no issue, wasn't sure what was going on.
TT - map at 5th NE corner, try to cross southbound on 5th STreet, difficult looking back to east, recommendation of traffic committee, tried temporarily & has worked well. Jay - no issues, business owner found new place to park. |
3.a. Public Hearing for the purpose of considering adoption of Plan Modification “UU” to the Redevelopment Plan for Redevelopment Area No. 9. (RWR, LLC Redevelopment Project)
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TIF project at 25th 48 housing units, meets all zoning requirements. P&Z passed 5-3, did proceed. CRA looked at 2x, will go back to CRA upon approval. $10 million dollar project.
McLain - traffic flow? TT - not sure what will be called, street will be completed. 1.5 parking stalls as required. at times may be issue, but not any different from any other residential areas. TF - explain TIF CRA - look at 1st, P&Z - looks at for zoning requirements, CRA - cost benefit analysis - to CC - final approval of Red Agr - CRA finalizes Gary - all requirements met? TT - yes Ted - concerned email parking & trees? TT- meets all parking requirements. way zoned off-street required 1.5 trees - no requirement, make sure proper setbacks, no requirements for fencing, GC required to have buffer. GC there first, will not make them. TDoyle - anything to south? TT - no TEd - ask to add for fencing & buffer? TT - as far as buffer goes, not sure can ask them for additional setbacks. Ted - done good job on Court to add greenspace. looked at property, looks like commercial properties are coming that way, would rather have housing instead of commercial buildings. less traffic than commercial & we are short of housing. Terry - see what they think GB - can ask, but wouldn't want ot have developers putting in $10 million, understand neighbor concerns, as with any other development, took at his word & made it nice. dind't ask anyone else to do Jan Nider, 398 South 25th Street, most received email didn't have email for Rich. opposition of UU if up 1/2 block from front door. putting next to flowing springs is a good fit. not large enough to accommodate 100-150 more people & vehicles. told it will be happening, pretty much done deal when area was rezoned to R-4, public told proposed plan described as high end duplexes compatible to flowing springs. 2 weeks ago, P&Z expressed displeasure with no motion at 1st meeting. SM held on 7/8 to approve, vote 5-3, not what was originally planned. no guarantee the buildings will look like the proposal. 2 units with gray buildings. came up within last week. been to 3 meetings, members have no choice but to approve. does anyone know anything about the developer? NO time due to TIF, TIF is pushing through. 1 response & was told it will likely pass. 2 weeks, 4 meetings & was a done deal from beginning. Pam Kemper, 707 S 25th, concern with parking. most families have 2 cars, if not enough parking for all, they will park on street. S 25th is a private street. have seen issues in Omaha & Lnk where people park on private streets. needs to be carefully considered so they do not park on private streets. Larry hibbert, 910 south covered bridge, will overflow onto Scott street, first person that gets hit will be high schooler. one employee used to park now have HS & elementary school. Scott street traffic will double. my suggestion is no parking on Scott STreet, major. Mayor - traffic committee will take a look at. Margaret Haith, 104 West Granville, biggest concern no guarantees the developer will do what they said they will do. rezoned R-4, now 48 units, can build as high as 55' can build store kraft. P&Z only passed 5-3. P&Z recommendation, CC final decision. Does CC have to pass? Mayor - council can vote how they feel they should vote. Ted - served on P&Z before here, explained P&Z is appointed board, not elected official, make decision of what is best for community. Will vote for best community. fiscally & ______. understand their situation, but will vote for betterment of community. Margaret - fiscally? Ted - $10 million project, tax roles, each houshould puts back $ into city. Kerr - bring townhouse & they approve, can they change? TT - would require if major change, 7 to 6 Plex, they will have to go through process. Argument about money, lived here 42 years, population 12,500 never grown, over the years, city council have put in new schools, playgrounds, industrial park, every survey had always stated not enough housing. sold house - on market 2 days, people need & want housing. apartments - filled, housing on old hospital - filled, need these housing units, share concerns, but if done correct. young people moving away due to no housing. Ruh - lived in similar in Minnesota, can we ensure design? TT - yes, due to TIF due to TIF vaulation. if developer changes project, there will be less TIF money, but nothing states they have to build specific details. RUh - not enough housing. Gary - not city's business to micromanage what housing will look like. Ruh - value of housing? Gary - can't micromanage Terry - an issue rock & hard place, have been involved with numerous committees, not enough housing, NGage, developers constantly state housing & childcare. positive traffic committee will address Scott STreet issues if needed. When asked about the developer, isn't the developer located South 70th? TT - is in Lincoln area & have been working for 2 years. Kerr - put meriwether housing up, still look fairly nice. either stay stagnet or try to grow. Think these will |
4.a. Resolution Number 7344 adopting Plan Modification “UU” to the Redevelopment Plan for Redevelopment Area No. 9. (RWR, LLC Redevelopment Project)
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4.b. Resolution Number 7345 executing the First Amendment to the Agreement dated November 6, 2023, between the City and Hoppe & Son, LLC, in order to change the date by which Hoppe must submit their application for Historic Tax Credits to the State of Nebraska from July 1, 2024 to July 10, 2024.
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contract with hoppe for city to sell property to hoppe, in agreement stated have to submit 7/1, instead submitted by 7/10, in order to correct contract. they have been submitted
4.c. Resolution Number 7346 de-designating Cedar Elementary School, Lincoln Elementary School, Paddock Lane Elementary School, and Stoddard Elementary School and surrounding streets containing School Zone Signage as School Zones.
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look to de-designate current school sites, as no longer school site. will come back at future meeting to designate new school site as school zone.
4.d. Resolution Number 7347 removing crosswalks and associated signage; prohibiting diagonal parking; and adding and removing stop signs surrounding Stoddard Elementary School.
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start with Stoddard 8th & Scott diagonal parking, approved login time ago, will remove that parking. biggest change is at 7th & Scott. today Scott stops for E/W traffic, have Scott STreet traffic flow, but 7th stop at intersection. 6th, 8th, 12th & 19th stops on Scott Street. Ted - 7th is two-way street in front of this area.
4.e. Resolution Number 7348 removing crosswalks and associated signage; removing stop signs; and changing speed limits surrounding Cedar Elementary School.
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similar at Cedar School/Preschool. crosswalks, Mary & Penrod - stop sign to help flow, will be removed. speed limit today on Mary & Scott Street, will be increased to 35, rest of Scott is already 35 & they fall into that
Dana Hydo, 208 Sherman Street, marry street, purposed 25 to 35 - have issue with that. lots of people. think 35 on Mary would be too fast. lots of apartments, etc. McLain - is speed limit tied? TT - it is Moved by Kerr, seconded by McLain, marry street be removed amended - VOTE 6-0 further discussion? |
4.f. Resolution Number 7349 removing crosswalks and associated signage; and allowing for 24-hour parking surrounding Paddock Lane Elementary School.
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put back to allow 24 hour parking on E/W side of 14th & Monreo
4.g. Resolution Number 7350 removing crosswalks and associated signage; changing speed limits; and prohibiting parking surrounding Lincoln Elementary School.
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LIncoln - number of crosswalks, eliminate except at 19th & Lincoln, still 2 major roads, leave as is. speed limit on 19th Street, all 35, except May to LIncoln to 35 to match rest of street. East side of road May to Lincoln, loading/unloading, remove parking on east side of May to Lincoln??? Lincoln, remove parking on east side, will be residential houses
4.h. Resolution Number 7351 regulating traffic to allow right-hand turns at the intersection of 19th Street and Lincoln Street.
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sign no rights on red, during certain hours & days, proposal is now to remove to allow right hand turn on red.
4.i. Resolution Number 7352 regulating traffic at the intersection of 19th Street and Lincoln Street by removing the traffic signal and installing four (4) stop signs at the intersection.
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2019 OA did study, their traffic study said did not meet criteria, reocmmended 4 way stop or rpundabaout. JEO 2022? both existing traffic & projected to 2040 does not satisfy traffic. recommended ROB long term, 4 way stop temporarily.
Terry - question what we will gained by removing traffic light, that 4 way will move traffic more efficiently than traffic signal. have hard time visualizing. doesn't seem right to him Ted - torn, hate the light. have lived in the area entire time in beatrice. nearly 40 years. odd times day/night, sat for long time. was contacted by people in neighborhood, told him not convinced people know how to navigate a 4 way stop. that was their statement. TERRY - now have school coming out there with additional traffic. TED - agree with experts, agreed with traffic studies in the past, if we were having discussion in NOvember after traffic has occurred with new school. would be more comfortable. would like to see it left up until we know for sure. Fix is a roundabout. concern is if we stick 4 way stop there, we have people in community thinking that is good ehough. will be voting against to revisit in a couple months. Ruh - travel both streets daily, light is so short, someone Turing in front of you, could sit there. think should keep them but extend time limit. agree that roundabout is best fix. 4 way stops people do not abide by. in favor of keeping light there, but torn. Gary - 56th & Yankee had 4 way stop, not one time, not sure what is wrong with a 4 way stop. McLain - think light should go, 4 way stop works. have looked at SS4A committee, think will be a much better deal Kerr - don't care as long as not a roundabout. Larry Hibbert, 910 Covered Bridge Road. 19th & SCott, concern is pedestrian traffic. kids heading to school traffic does not look for pedestrian. agree roundabout is safest. JEff Cullison, N 33rd, if roundabout in, what is the pedestrian traffic designed? safer for pedestrian. cross 1 lane of traffic. if come out of church can get stuck east of 19th on LIncoln for 2-3 rotations for left turn. in favor of 4 way stop. Tobias - warranted? MUTCD - snoudl not be considered unless 1 or more - 8 hour vehicle volume, not enough - 2 how much flows through in 4 hours - not enough; 3 peak vehicular volume major, minor can't get through - not have 4 - 100 or more, not 5. school crossings/multiple cars crash, roadway network, ________ - those are what engineers look at with their recommendation to remove |
5.a. Ordinance to convey real estate owned by the City to MEIHomes, LLC.
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proposal buy lot at 430 north 5th STreet, lou's garden, post office alley, $1000, proposal $1500 build 1,500? by 2025, owes additional $3500. did have another individual communicating today, they have indicated interest to purchase, both within couple days.
Rose 440 North 5th would like to purchase, have been taking care of land to make look good. want to keep clean. make driveway to back of house. MclLain - building house? ROse- nothing for sure, would have to Mike - own north. Ted - in a time crunch? moved by Doyle, seconded by Mike, postpone if motion will have 2 weeks to discuss future plans. next meeting bring back. VOTE - 6-0 |
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6.a. Resolution Number 7353 executing a Contract for Sale of Real Estate and all necessary documents with MEIHomes, LLC.
no action taken
Margarat Haith, 104 West Granville Avenue, told Ted, beatrice needs to grow, Kerr stated stagnet, would like future item would be what is your master plan. will have 108 units, what do you want? Double?? What is master plan, address at future plan.
Jeff Cullison, 526 North 33rd, request disconnect between contractor on streets & landowners on 33rd & Lincoln. no longer have access to driveway. not sure where to put trash can, will not be able to drag it, small community, but right now long of change going on. |
8.a. City Administrator's Monthly Report.
RAISE Grant- welcome webinar this week
Dempsters met with MM & NDEE to start grant application for cleanup Kensington - TIF starting, should be at next CC mtg Thanked Gage County Foundation for shelter at Dog Park Terry - NGage next mtg? Exec session at next meeting. need to sit down & design what project will be moving forward with large project. 3 retirements - thank NOrm, met with Terry for COmmuntiy Pantry, really appreciated time spent. |
9.a. The next regular City Council meeting is August 1, 2024 at 7:00 p.m. in the BPS Administration Building Board Room. There will be a Work Session on August 19, 2024 at 7:00 p.m. in the BPS Administration Building Board Room.
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