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Meeting Agenda
1. Opening Procedures
1.A. Call to order
1.B. District Mission Statement: 
  • Partnering with families and the community, Dundy County Stratton Schools will provide a dynamic and inclusive environment because every Day, every Child, is empowered to achieve Success!

1.C. Nebraska Open meetings law-posted on the East wall 
1.D. Publication of Meeting-notice was provided according to policy.  
1.E. Board Member Roll Call
1.F. Pledge of Allegiance
2. Awards and Recognitions
3. Public comment
4. Reports
4.A. Technology report
4.B. Elementary principal report
4.C. Secondary principal report
4.D. Transportation report
4.E. Superintendent report
4.F. Board and committee reports
4.F.1. Board information
4.F.2. Finance/Budget/Legislation committee
4.F.3. Transportation/Facilities/Grounds committee
4.F.4. Curriculum/Activities/Staff Development committee
4.F.5. Americanism committee
4.F.6. Negotiations committee
5. Consent Agenda
5.A. Verification of publication and notice
5.B. Approval of the minutes
5.C. Payment of the bills
6. Business Meeting
6.A. Financial Report
6.B. Negotiated Agreement
6.C. Contract Offer
6.D. Surplus Property
6.E. NASB information
6.F. Legislation
7. Adjourn
Agenda Item Details Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: February 13, 2025 at 6:00 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
1. Opening Procedures
1.A. Call to order
1.B. District Mission Statement: 
  • Partnering with families and the community, Dundy County Stratton Schools will provide a dynamic and inclusive environment because every Day, every Child, is empowered to achieve Success!

1.C. Nebraska Open meetings law-posted on the East wall 
1.D. Publication of Meeting-notice was provided according to policy.  
1.E. Board Member Roll Call
Excused Absence:
Unexcused Absence:
Recommended Motion(s):
  1. Motion to approve absence of
Motion 1 Passed:
Motion to approve absence of Kent Lorens, Jennifer Fries, and Cole Lutz Passed with a motion by Nick Ladenburger and a second by Shad Stamm.
  • Fries: Absent
  • Guernsey: Absent
  • Lorens: Absent
  • Lutz: Absent
  • Ladenburger: Yea
  • Noffsinger: Yea
  • Stamm: Yea
  • Stamm: Yea
  • Stroup: Yea
Motion 2 Passed:
Motion amend to include Steve Guernsey Passed with a motion by Nick Ladenburger and a second by Shad Stamm.
  • Fries: Absent
  • Guernsey: Absent
  • Lorens: Absent
  • Lutz: Absent
  • Noffsinger: Yea
  • Stamm: Yea
  • Stamm: Yea
  • Stroup: Yea
  • Ladenburger: Yea
1.F. Pledge of Allegiance
2. Awards and Recognitions
3. Public comment

Welcome to the Dundy County Stratton Public Schools Board of Education Meeting.  The Board welcomes citizens to attend board meetings to become acquainted with the programs and operations of the district.  Members of the public are also encouraged to share their ideas and opinions with the Board during the agenda item labeled “Public Items”.  Comments or questions from the audience at any other time during the meeting except for the agenda item “Public Items” will out of necessity be declared out of order.

The Nebraska Open Meetings Act prevents the board from speaking to a matter that is not on the agenda.  Please understand that the board may be unable to address your issue during the meeting.  It is not permissible for the board to comment on items not listed for the protection of the public’s right to know and participate in the discussion of items that do come before the board and stated appropriately in the meeting agenda.  

During this agenda item “Public Items” we ask that you abide by the following rules:

Public Comment Protocol and Procedures

  1. Anyone wishing to speak to the board on specific agenda items or on other topics relevant to board business must complete a Public Comment Request Card and submit it to the Board President prior to the opening of the meeting.   The public will only be recognized and their comments heard at Item “Public Items” on the board agenda.  The total time allotted for the public comment will not exceed thirty minutes and each member of the public will be allotted not more than five minutes to address the Board.  If a group wishes to speak, please designate one spokesperson for the group.

  2. Please state your name and the topic you are addressing before you begin.  

  3. Speakers are asked to direct their questions and comments to the chair.  A member of the Board of Education or the Superintendent may direct clarifying questions to the chair, but the board will not under any circumstance enter into a debate with any the member of the public.

  4. Speakers may offer objective criticism of district operations and programs, but the Board would encourage members of the public to address complaints concerning individual district personnel through the proper chain of command.  The chair may direct the member of the public to the appropriate means to address concerns brought before the Board; however, the board will not respond with action but will take comments under advisement and direct the comments to the appropriate staff member to address outside of the board meeting.

  5. Please remember that is a public meeting for the conduct of business of the Dundy County Stratton Public School District. Offensive language, personal attacks and hostile conduct will not be tolerated. You should further be advised that there is no legal protection for any comments that are made. 

  6. As stated in NEB. REV. STAT. § 79-570 Class I, II, III, IV, or VI school district; president; meetings; maintenance of order.  

    If any district meeting of a Class I, II, III, IV, or VI school district any person conducts himself or herself in a disorderly manner and persists in such conduct after notice by the president or person presiding, the president or person presiding may order such person to withdraw from the meeting and, if the person refuses, may order any person or persons to take such person into custody until the meeting is adjourned.

  7. As stated in NEB. REV. STAT. § 79-571 Class I, II, III, IV, or VI school district; meetings; disorderly conduct; penalty. 

Any person who refuses to withdraw from such meeting on being so ordered as provided in section 79-570 or who willfully disturbs such meeting shall be guilty of a Class V misdemeanor. 

4. Reports
4.A. Technology report
4.B. Elementary principal report
4.C. Secondary principal report
4.D. Transportation report
4.E. Superintendent report
4.F. Board and committee reports
4.F.1. Board information
4.F.2. Finance/Budget/Legislation committee
4.F.3. Transportation/Facilities/Grounds committee
4.F.4. Curriculum/Activities/Staff Development committee
4.F.5. Americanism committee
4.F.6. Negotiations committee
5. Consent Agenda
Recommended Motion(s):
  1. Motion to approve the consent agenda The consent agenda includes the verification of notice of the meeting by publication in the Benkelman Post & News Chronicle, a legal newspaper for Dundy County and to each member of the board, approval of the minutes from the January 13, 2025 regular meeting, the approval of the bills as presented in the amount of $570,243.16 for the general fund $11,008.69 for the activity fund; $23,227.46 for the nutrition fund.
Motion Passed:
Motion to approve the consent agenda The consent agenda includes the verification of notice of the meeting by publication in the Benkelman Post & News Chronicle, a legal newspaper for Dundy County and to each member of the board, approval of the minutes from the January 13, 2025 regular meeting, the approval of the bills as presented in the amount of $570,243.16 for the general fund $11,008.69 for the activity fund; $23,227.46 for the nutrition fund. Passed with a motion by Nick Ladenburger and a second by Lindsay Stamm.
  • Fries: Absent
  • Guernsey: Absent
  • Lorens: Absent
  • Lutz: Absent
  • Stamm: Yea
  • Stamm: Yea
  • Stroup: Yea
  • Ladenburger: Yea
  • Noffsinger: Yea
5.A. Verification of publication and notice
To verify that notice of the meeting was given by publication in the Benkelman Post, a legal newspaper for Dundy County Stratton and by written notice to each member of the board, the designated method of giving notice
Recommended Motion(s):
  1. Motion to verify the publication and notice of the meeting was properly given
5.B. Approval of the minutes
5.C. Payment of the bills
Recommended Motion(s):
  1. Motion to approve the bills as presented
6. Business Meeting
6.A. Financial Report
Presentation of the financial status of the district, balances in various funds, recent/impending activity therein, anticipated expenses and planning for future considerations.
Motion Passed:
Motion to approve the financial report as presented Passed with a motion by Jordan Stroup and a second by Lindsay Stamm.
  • Fries: Absent
  • Guernsey: Absent
  • Lorens: Absent
  • Lutz: Absent
  • Stamm: Yea
  • Stroup: Yea
  • Ladenburger: Yea
  • Noffsinger: Yea
  • Stamm: Yea
6.B. Negotiated Agreement
Radify Negotiated Agreement for 2025-2026 school year.
Recommended Motion(s):
  1. Motion to accept teacher negotiated agreement for the 2025-2026 school year
Motion Passed:
Motion to accept teacher Negotiated Agreement for the 2025-2026 school year Passed with a motion by Nick Ladenburger and a second by Jordan Stroup.
  • Fries: Absent
  • Guernsey: Absent
  • Lorens: Absent
  • Lutz: Absent
  • Stroup: Yea
  • Ladenburger: Yea
  • Noffsinger: Yea
  • Stamm: Yea
  • Stamm: Yea
6.C. Contract Offer
Elementary Teacher Contract
Recommended Motion(s):
  1. Motion to approve the contract for Emily Gleisberg for Elementary Education.
Motion Passed:
Motion to approve the contract for Emily Gleisberg for Elementary Education. Passed with a motion by Shad Stamm and a second by Lindsay Stamm.
  • Fries: Absent
  • Guernsey: Absent
  • Lorens: Absent
  • Lutz: Absent
  • Ladenburger: Yea
  • Noffsinger: Yea
  • Stamm: Yea
  • Stamm: Yea
  • Stroup: Yea
6.D. Surplus Property
2018 Ford T-350 Transit Van odometer 92,251
Recommended Motion(s):
  1. Motion to approve the presented vehicles, #29 to surplus
Motion Passed:
Motion to approve the presented vehicles, 2018 Ford T-350 Transit Van to surplus, taking bids until Thursday, March 6th as sealed bids Passed with a motion by Shad Stamm and a second by Nick Ladenburger.
  • Fries: Absent
  • Guernsey: Absent
  • Lorens: Absent
  • Lutz: Absent
  • Noffsinger: Yea
  • Stamm: Yea
  • Stamm: Yea
  • Stroup: Yea
  • Ladenburger: Yea
6.E. NASB information
6.F. Legislation
7. Adjourn
Motion Passed:
Motion to adjourn at 7:20 Passed with a motion by Shad Stamm and a second by Lindsay Stamm.
  • Fries: Absent
  • Guernsey: Absent
  • Lorens: Absent
  • Lutz: Absent
  • Stamm: Yea
  • Stamm: Yea
  • Stroup: Yea
  • Ladenburger: Yea
  • Noffsinger: Yea

Every Day

Every Child

A Success


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