September 12, 2023 at 5:00 PM - Regular Board of Education Meeting
Minutes | |
Opening Procedures
Pledge of Allegiance
Statement of Open Meetings Law
Roll Call
Comments from the Audience
The board received public comment on the idea of the Board reaching out to NEXTera solar energy company for donations to help fund the building project.
School Nurse Tracy Andersen will speak in Wellness Program for the School.
School nurse Tracy Andersen spoke on behalf of the Emergency Operations Team and what has been implemented for students and staff safely within the buildings.
School Building Project
Continue to meet weekly and with DLR. Will set a special meeting date to approve the final asking price. They discussed a 1 or 2 question ballot option and the school districts' highest needs, classrooms and a gymnasium. There are many options and debate on what the ballot will look like and what options will best serve the community and, most importantly, our students.
Consent Agenda
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
Discussion Items
Wording for potential bond vote.
Admin Reports
Elementary Principal
Elementary principal, Mr. Dennis. Finishing the beginning of year testing as individual reading improvement plans are due by Friday. Formal evaluations starting this week. Weekly TEAMing meetings have started with each grade level. Curriculum night is tomorrow night, 9/13, from 5p.m. - 7p.m.
Daycare - Sixpence teacher holding family visits at the school and explaining sixpence rules to families. Setting up goals for all students in the daycare. Sheri is working on scheduling family engagement nights for the year. One staff member we hired this summer has already quit and current employees working over 40 hours. The other new employees hired are currently working on their required 45 hours of training. |
Jr/Sr High Principal Report
Huge shout out to nurse Tracy and the safety team for the work they have put in. Enrollment hasn't changed since the last board report. Great start to the school year and huge shout out to students and staff that have done a great job working through the challenges this year. MTSS training, a message from Ms. Conant is our Jr./Sr high Instructional coach.
Beth McDonnell will be out for her surgery for awhile, so we are short on custodial help, but we have some help from Tammy Egley who has done an amazing job and other staff have been helping her out. Listed upcoming dates for Jr. Sr High Students and Parents with parent-teacher conferences coming up at the end of September. |
Director of Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment
Report as submitted
Director of Student Services Report
Director of Student Services. B-3 orientation meeting, good experience since most experience is in the school age group. First Cass County community practice at Weeping Water, discussed inclusive practices and specifically designed instruction. The ESU staff was very complimentary of our staff, they valued how important we viewed the day and appreciated our participation. In Process is the ESSA Grant, SPEDFRS and Indicator 13
upcoming meetings. Title III Consortium - 9/22 NeMTSS State Conference - 11/2 and 11/3 Cass County Community of Practice - Conestoga was picked to host this year and will take place on 11/13 our PD day, so no substitutes will be needed. |
AP/AD Report for September
Report as submitted.
Superintendent Report
Mr. Apple, Superintendent. Elementary facilities, small roof cap still needs to go on, installing of blinds and windows still going in. Still waiting for the price to change the panels above the windows to glass, to resemble more of what the original building looked like. Brick has not arrived for the vestibule.
Senior High - getting a price for a curb on the edge of the parking lot to create a separation from the grass. Landscaping should be completed, brick work on the electrical addition is complete and ready for the roof. Beginning stages of planning the installation of the HVAC over the summer of 2024 with more electrical work to take place over the winter to prepare for the upgrade. Track resurfacing is possibly to take place in the summer of 2024. It is time to replace the current surface and repair some of the base. NASB regional membership meetings in Nebraska City on September 27th. I have 3 members currently registered. The State Convention is scheduled for 11/15-17 at CHI in Omaha. Registration will be coming soon. State law has it that teacher negotiations will need to be started by 11/1. Currently, we are advertising for a 2nd tech person, will be going over those applications in the next week. The First Student bussing contract has increased this year about 14%, currently getting this contract settled. |
Action Items
Discuss, consider, and take all necessary action to approve substitute pay.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
Discuss, consider, and take all necessary action to approve the removal of Shelly Smith and adding Courtney Blackston to the elementary activity account.
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Discuss, consider, and take all necessary action to approve a new Student Board member.
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Discuss, consider, and take all necessary action to approve the 23-24 Final Tax Request. (Resolution)
Kelley left the meeting at 5:55 p.m.
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Discuss, consider, and take all necessary action to approve the 23-24 School Budget.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
Upcoming Meetings
Kelley entered the meeting at 5:58 p.m.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.