May 20, 2024 at 6:00 PM - City Council Work Session
Minutes | |
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7.a. Update from City Council Committees.
Ted - Terry & Gary on committee, met 3 times with TT, met 2 others on own, appreciate efforts. plans for end, what it will look like, but need to get there. TT - Gage Co Assessor 5 parcels, we own 2 today. currently working on foreclosing on 2 of the remaining 3 we do not own. anticipate by this fall wrapped up. other parcel can start foreclosure next March. by next fall own all. Ted - working with State 2 options. brownfield grant to remove asbestos 50/50 match up to $40,000. remove $40,000 of asbestos for $20k from CIty. before doing demo need phase i study, last one in 2021? GOod for 1 year, really only good 6 months. also need phase 2 study, one done in 2018 & 2021, no shelf life, do have to conduct another. last time didn't dig deep enough into ground. also need materials management plan. have that from Olsson. how handle material when taking down, etc. dig tree on site, haul away, rock road, spray down to limit dust. can take down 2 bldg on site for approximately $160,000. =$180,000, to remove. would take funding from general fund. EPA offer brownfield grant, $0 match, can apply for after we own all property in Fall, about $600,000 asbestos removal in all structures. no cost share with EPA brownfield grant. would know within 6 months & use right away. Eskra - odds of getting it? Ted - asked Taren, pretty good shot at getting it. 60%. Mayor - could probably use MM to work on that as well. Ted - very optimistic. want to also clean up dirt. Tarren suggested when write grant, explain dirt needing to clean up is under bldg & need to remove bldg to remove that dirt. Ted thinks long shot. having 2 bldg removed, open ground to clean up dirt when there. taking bldg down to ground level. Kerr - how much? Ted - up to $5 milion. TT - phase 1, working on currently. State has in process & will be done before taking ownership. MM willing to write grant. Mtg this week, EPA on, NDEE, KSU Tab - part of overall assistance, willing to help. today MM list of documents so they can start putting grant together. Ted - not asking to vote, but consider if we spend $$ now or wait until we own the entire proeprty. preference is to spend $159,000 to take down blgds now - want to keep moving on project & want to show we are engaged & not just waiting for them. if bldg are down & gone, we have more available space they can get grant for to remove the dirt. negative is when cleaning flood plain, came back for federal $ and said just about done, feds came back & said not giving any funding since we did work Mayor - Budget now? TT - spent roughly $25,000, about $5000 this year. Next Year $250,000 for demo of schools, looking at other grant opportunities, which could be moved to dempsters. Eskra - skin in the game came up? TT - no, they are very well aware of steps we have taken, but understand City will not take on this elephant. Ted - to demo all & haul off $11 million. TT - amount cost to clean up site, depends upon what is put back on site. if houses, have to clean more. if put recreational facilities, cheaper. impacts cost. Ted - 2 basements. cafeteria & lockerroom. can we cap them instead of digging down? Asked State, but that is not our decision & didn't answer. TT - answer Dave question. remedial action plan (RAP) proposal to clean, submit to State/Feds, lots of back & forth, lets leave everything 5' below, may allow, have to sign environmental covenants on what will be put back on there. Barnard - settled on preliminary for recreational use. Terry - engineering study drew out, cost estimates. TT - EPA did redevelopment study, proposed rec facilities. Ted - asking to consider spending $160,000 out of general fund TT - have $4.6 mill, no significant changes, down about $1 mill from start of year. Try to keep $4-6 million. Ted - asking $160,000, but want to remind want to save $, but want to see us be progressive. Tim - what for $160? Ted - bldg & keep asbestos, have EPA spend. TT - constant work, approximately 1 year. Ted - can't just take bldg down, possibly hire summer help to clean out bldg. TT - If all cleaned out to C&D, some will go to ours & some will have to go far away. Kerr - didn't go far enough? how far do we need to go down? TT - depends on location of site. some had contaminants, no one knows how far down they go. Ted - depends how deep, Tim- phase 1 study, timeline? TT - done within 1 month & NDEE will pay 100% of cost, have been very helpful in doing that for us. Kerr - been iffy on this, have been dinking around on this. Ted - got our teeth in for 3 years. KErr - think we need to make a move on to get it done. Ted - by this time next year will own all, and if we don't get brownfield, will have to make big decisions. Ruh - concerns with broken windows someone will get hurt. Mayor - needs to be thought through this. would like to see $ in General Fund in Aug/Sept, and see chances for $250,000 grant for schools demo to possibly move to dempsters. Ted - other concerns that are glaring & concerns we will have other expenditures in other places & trying to keep this project on top of pile. like to have these $ in their heads now instead of waiting. McLain - if start removing blags down, will hurt? TT - haven't got feeling either way. Ted- it does free up that ground for EPA to clean up ground. Eskra - MM? TT - yes, conference with them to discuss this grant application, team assembled, application due November, generally 6 month turn around time. Terry -think alternative is best suggestion, but we do need to get moving on this. Downtown: Terry, Duane, Mike, Bob, TT - 3 people in public. Ella, 2nd to 3rd - already funded, top geographical survey done, want street design to try things to do in downtown master plan, trees, bumpouts, shrubs, in area away from heart of town. well on its way. finalized hopefully by end of year. CCCFF grant - $275,000 match $550,000 revitalize 4th & 5th, Market to Ella. wont be able to do a ton, but can make a heck of start, want to use Ella STreet as guidance. Already part of master plan. Fall/Winter bid out, spring work. Mike - how long? TT - have until 2026 to complete. TD - have RAISE Grant, end of June will find out if receive grant, like a 5-6 year construction project. $22 million project, hope to have this project which will change our downtown. have 2 - $400,000 to revitalize downtown, 1 is completed, 2nd grant we had 45 applications for $400,000, shows a large interest. Committee working on 2nd round. TT - kensington Perpoerty - working with Hoppe to finalize their design & budgets. Last year received grant made unusable. Senator Dorn was able to get back in budget, new grant opened up today. Have been invited to apply for new grant. Phone call into NDEE today, in process, will submit letter of intent, and then adopt final plan TR - do have preference for those who were awarded previously. Terry - thanked TT & TR, have real jobs & do grant work on side, Mayor's guidance on this, committee working on this. lot going on all the time in the downtown. Mayor - not modeling after the narrow 5th Street that we currently have. Terry - Engineering Dept thanked as well, they are busy doing Tim - mentioned 5th STreet, why not put those parking stalls deeper? TT - have to cut out couple feet & extend curb to make it work, would be substantial cost. drainage not great either, it is doable, just would take alot. RUh - even if we do one side would help. Codes: Gary - will need to start prioritizing things & will meet mid of June to get a list prepared to see what want to move forward with. many are people cleaning up. Ted - some state money available, we didn't get it, getting more popular with the downtown revitalization grant, think we will not get $$ next year. Mayor - all money goes to 2nd Class & down TR - score received was perfect score, but didn't get money. |
8.a. The next regular City Council meeting is May 20, 2024 at 7:00 p.m. in the BPS Administration Building Board Room.
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